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Ivana Kacirova

Assoc. prof. Ivana Kacirova, MD, Ph.D.
Vice-President of the IATDMCT 2022 Congress
Chair of the Czech Society of Clinical Pharmacology

Ivana Kacirova graduated in medicine at Charles University in Prague in 1996 and went on to specialize in paediatrics and from 2004 in clinical pharmacology. In 2003 and 2004 she had the opportunity to study and work at the Division of Clinical Pharmacology and the Clinical Trials Office at Cincinnati Children´s Hospital Medical Centre. She is a member of many medical commissions and associations and also the author of many scientific articles. Currently she works as the Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of Faculty of Medicine, University of Ostrava, and as the Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of University Hospital Ostrava.


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